Saturday, July 21, 2018

Meaning of demand

          Demand  in economics means effective demand that is one which meets with all  they are three.  
 crucial characteristics desire to have agood willingness to pay for that good and ability to pay for that good. For example a teetotaller professor may possess both the willingness to pay as well as the ability to pay for abottle of liqvor.Yet he does not have a demand for it.                                     
             Demand for a good depends on several factors and change A detailed dicussion of this will be taken up later.How ever, it is pertinents to recall hear the two important determinants of demand-own price and time.Demand is usually defind as a schedule whichshows various quantities of a prodect which one or more consumers are willing and able to purchase at each specific price in a set of possible prices during a specific period of time for example demand for the milk by a house hold per month may be as follows

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