Friday, August 31, 2018

People face trade off's : Examples

People face trade offs says that, if you want to get something you wish , you need to give up something else we want .

For examples.
1) I face trade off whenever I go for shopping, between design of a particular attire and price of that attire. I look at price as well as on design or brand .If I find a good brand with satisfied design , then I would like to give up on price or I would like to give up the brand at the time of shortage of money.
This is when I face trade off between price and design.

2)In every family our parents decide how to spend their family income.They can buy food, clothing or a family vacation or they can spend it for their retirement or college fees of children's college education.When they choose to spend an extra amount on one of these goods , they will be having less amount to spend on some other good.This is where parents face trade offs between their expenditures or on their children.

3)Normally students face trade off between studying for exam or to watch a awaited movie of their favorite hero or heroine.Sometimes they give up exams just because the craze they have towards their favorite hero or heroine as they are desperate to watch movie first day first show, and sometimes they give up watching movies during exams to give importance to their exams.This is when students face trade off between exams and awaited movies.

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